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Drive – Internal transfer
If you are a wheelchair user and would like to drive, you have the option to transfer inside the vehicle to a standard driver seat. Many of our customers prefer an internal transfer vehicle which gives you the comfort of a standard OEM driver seat. Sirus has helped thousands of disabled drivers since we began in 2004 and we are specialists in internal transfer wav’s.
The benefits of an internal transfer vehicle
You are in control. It’s your vehicle, your choice. Go where you want to go when you want to go there. As the driver you are in control of the journey, the speed, the music and the temperature!
You have complete independence. Our conversions are designed so you can get in and out of the vehicle safely and unassisted.
You no longer have to travel in the back. You may have experienced travelling in the rear of a wheelchair accessible vehicle and like many, you may have found that it can be uncomfortable, bumpy and can cause travel sickness.
Stay active. This is a very popular solution if you have the ability to transfer independently.
Transfer safely inside the vehicle. Internal transfer wav’s are an increasingly popular alternative to transferring externally at the roadside.
Minimise the risk of injury. Dismantling your wheelchair and lifting it into your car can take its toll on your arms and shoulders. You no longer need to do this with an internal transfer wav.
Save time. You don’t need to take the time to dismantle your wheelchair every time you go out. Your wheelchair can be safely secured inside the vehicle in one piece.
Don’t take our word for it…
“While I still have the ability to transfer, I wanted to take the opportunity. I don’t get out of my chair much in the day especially when I am sat at my desk at work so it is the chance for me to keep active and use the limited muscles I have”. Niamh.
“Transferring inside my internal transfer wav saves me so much time. I can literally secure my wheelchair and transfer to the driver seat in seconds. No more lifting my wheelchair, which often has very muddy wheels which can often stain my clothes! Not ideal when I’m on my way to work” Sarah.
The Motability Scheme
Many of our customers use the Motability Scheme. Established over 40 years ago, this is the largest scheme for disabled people in the world. A not-for-profit organisation, it provides help and funding towards internal transfer wav’s, driving adaptations, manual and powered wheelchairs and scooters. If you receive Higher Rate Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP) you are entitled to use the scheme.
Motability – What’s Included
Wheelchair accessible vehicles are available on a minimum 5-year lease. Your agreement includes insurance, breakdown assistance, servicing and maintenance. With any wheelchair accessible vehicle there is an upfront payment which will have to be made, followed by your monthly DLA or PIP.
Motability Grants
Many of our customers apply to Motability for a grant and receive help towards the Advance Payment as well as any adaptations required. We can help you through this process, giving you help and advice throughout your journey with us.